THE INTERACTIVE COACHING PROGRAM is a unique and exclusive online coaching program that promotes self observation helping you to gain clarity and focus on your future. This program will enable you to define your goals, your personal vision, strengths and objectives. This becomes even more powerful with the added benefit of David as your personal coach, effectively working with you!


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Critical evaluation of a range of principles and frameworks for managing change | Health Knowledge

Critical evaluation of a range of principles and frameworks for managing change

Change is now considered to be the biggest challenge for virtually all organisations public and private, large and small - but especially for large, well established 'complex adaptive' organisations. Change is everywhere and the rate and pace of it is almost universally reckoned to be increasing.
Several 'gurus' (including Tom Peters and Charles Handy) and academics (notably Colin Carnall author of several books on Managing Change) have drawn attention to the 'challenges of change'.
At the time that this article was written, the NHS was the the third largest employer in the world after the Chinese Army and The Indian Railways and had over many years and despite many efforts found it difficult to change. Whilst the article considers change and efforts to manage it generally in organisations it looks specifically at key issues around change in the NHS.

Learning for a Change

Learning for a Change
It's been almost 10 years since Peter Senge, 51, published "The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization" (Doubleday/Currency, 1990). The book was more than a business best-seller; it was a breakthrough. It propelled Senge into the front ranks of management thinkers, it created a language of change that people in all kinds of companies could embrace, and it offered a vision of workplaces that were humane and of companies that were built around learning. 

Why traditional change management fails

Why traditional change management fails
Most organisations today would have had to initiate some change effort in order to remain relevant. All have been affected by the global meltdown and industry specific forces of change, and all have struggled to respond in a way that preserves or enhances overall organisational performance. 

Integrating change management and project management

Integrating change management and project management
The disciplines of change management and project management cross paths throughout the execution of an initiative. Each brings necessary and critical structure for effectively implementing change and realizing results – one with structure and intent for the technical side of change and one with structure and intent for the people side of change. As change management has emerged over the past decade, the interaction between change management and project management has become increasingly important.

To Change the Culture, Stop Trying to "Change the Culture"

To Change the Culture, Stop Trying to "Change the Culture"
When people aren't achieving what they should be achieving and things aren't going the way they should be — and if senior managers can't pin the blame on some specific issue — they often declare: "We have to change the culture around here."

5 ways SharePoint intranets improve change management

5 ways SharePoint intranets improve change management
Credibility for change management efforts begin when an organization stops treating change as a time period and treats change as a continuum. Whether industry, technology, regulation, competition, or figuring the alchemy of employee motivation, change is constant.

Communicating during revolutionary change » Change Factory

Communicating during revolutionary change » Change Factory
When revolutionary change is measured, many organisations believe that measuring whether or not the change has occurred is sufficient. My observation is that even when the change has occurred—as measured by an often-opaque set of performance indicators—the collateral damage caused by unintended consequences far outweighs the benefit gained from implementing the change in the first place. A significant cause of those unintended consequences during revolutionary change is limited and/or poor communication. This article seeks to give you a toolbox of communication channels for revolutionary change.

Change Management Insights from a Fortune 500 Apparel Company’s Restructuring | Leader's Beacon

Change Management Insights from a Fortune 500 Apparel Company’s Restructuring | Leader's Beacon
Recently, consulting firm Emergent partnered with a Fortune 500 apparel company to undertake the biggest business transformation in the company’s history. Below is a mini case study that provides insights from that project. Building upon its solid performance in 2012, the company chose to implement a new global structure designed to fuel its long-term, international growth.

Understanding the Science of Change

Change Management - Understanding the Science of Change
Change lights up an area of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, which is like RAM memory in a PC. The prefrontal cortex is fast and agile, able to hold multiple threads of logic at once to enable quick calculations. But like RAM, the prefrontal cortex’s capacity is finite—it can deal comfortably with only a handful of concepts before bumping up against limits. That bump generates a palpable sense of discomfort and produces fatigue and even anger. That’s because the prefrontal cortex is tightly linked to the primitive emotional center of the brain, the amygdala, which controls our fight-or-flight response.

It’s All About Change Management

It’s All About Change Management
When James Carville struggled to get then candidate Bill Clinton’s first campaign off the ground, he was trying to determine what was wrong with the country. He did lots of fancy analysis and brainstorming sessions and then he stumbled on his famous phrase,” It’s the economy, stupid!”  Whenever I look at RPOs that aren’t going well and have done the root cause analysis and brainstormed a dozen reasons why,  at the end it comes to me, its change management, stupid!   Whether you have decided to RPO a part of your organization, a small project or wall to wall, change management is essential to success. I advocate a fairly simple model that encompasses a business case, leadership alignment, communication/mobilization and training.

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