THE INTERACTIVE COACHING PROGRAM is a unique and exclusive online coaching program that promotes self observation helping you to gain clarity and focus on your future. This program will enable you to define your goals, your personal vision, strengths and objectives. This becomes even more powerful with the added benefit of David as your personal coach, effectively working with you!


THE FUNDAMENTAL COACHING PROGRAM will provide a framework for you to evaluate where you are in your work life today, together with where you wish to be!


THE CAREER PROGRAM... will provide a framework for you to evaluate where you are in your work life or career today, together with where you wish to be!


THE WEALTH PROGRAM... you can reach financial freedom so start planning for the future. Create your financial freedom - TODAY!


THE RELATIONSHIP COACHING PROGRAM is a step-by-step, fun and easy to use online program that can dramatically improve your relationships!


Develop the power of positive thinking | OdeWire

Does your mind lead itself into positive thinking, or are you letting negative, fear-based programs operate? Are you able to watch your thoughts as though they were a crawl on CNN? The way our brains are able to quickly take in information, analyze it, and assess what we should do or say in a given moment is awesome! Truly. However, as the only thinker in our minds, it is up to us to be mindful, and to change our own thinking and programming along the way. What old tapes are you letting run? Whether you’re conscious of it or not, your positive (or negative) thinking is affecting your everyday experiences of the world around you.

Why Engagement Surveys Neither Engage nor Inform in Any Meangingful Way

The Holy Grail for global business executives today is employee engagement. Recent studies indicate that close to 85% of employees believe they can positively impact quality of their organization’s products and services. The sad truth though is that those same studies indicate less than 1/3 of employees globally are actively engaged in their jobs.

Why Engagement Surveys Neither “Engage” Nor “Inform” in Any Meangingful Way

A New Approach to Organisational Change

A New Approach to Organisational Change

This paper presents a new and innovative framework for embedding IT Service Management change into organisational culture. The framework is a result of the research commissioned by the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) and undertaken by Dr. Stephanie Bertels, Daniel Papania and Lisa Papania at Simon Fraser University. This framework will be an invaluable addition to the toolkit of every change leader. The book of the same name that provides in-depth application of the framework to ITSM will be available in November 2011 from your local itSMF bookstore.

Discover your gift and give it away...

The purpose of my life has been to discover my gift. I have discovered that my gift is to help people navigate through change at a personal and organisational level.
The meaning of my life is to now give my gift share my experience, my learning and my perspective.
I wondered about this life changing quote from David Viscott with the realisation that at every celebration I look forward to the gifts that I can bestow upon my family and friends, with more pleasure than the gifts that I receive. We often talk about "legacy", the meaning of our life and what we will leave as a memory when we depart this beautiful world.
I urge you now to think of the "Micro Legacy" of every interaction that you have. With the cashier in Woolworth's, the bank teller at Westpac, the waitress in your favourite restaurant, the email that you have just will it be received... and all the people that serve to enrich your life. The meaning in our daily lives is to create a "Micro Change"... to leave people with the imprint of our influence, with the motivation to make a difference in their lives.
Think about it... why are you interested in change...why are you even reading this...why are you here?
The purpose of your life is to discovery your gift. The meaning of your life is to give your gift away.

WE are the Change Samurai!

I am not "the Change Samurai".
Together as agents of change, WE are "the Change Samurai".

Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen)

In psychology, the theory of planned behavior is a theory about the link between attitudes and behavior. It was proposed by Icek Ajzen as an extension of the theory of reasoned action. It is one of the most predictive persuasion theories. It has been applied to studies of the relations among beliefs, attitudes, behavioral intentions and behaviors in various fields such as advertising, public relations, advertising campaigns and healthcare.


Change starts with One

Seventy percent of organisations that seek strategic change fail. Organisations can't change because individuals don't change. Individuals don't change because powerful mental maps stand in their way. Black and Gregersen in "It Starts With One" offer a powerful, start-to-finish strategy for helping people redraw their mental maps and unleash their power to deliver superior, sustained strategic change.
To change organisations, you must break through your own brain barrier and help those around you do the same. One step at a time. A deep change in individuals can embed into the culture of the many. Every significant movement in history has been led by one or just a few individuals with a small minority of energetic supporters.

Crisis and Opportunity

The Chinese word for change is wei ji. 
It means two things. 
Crisis and Opportunity. 

You choose! 

Culture..a driving force to a better situation

In "Organizational Culture and Leadership', Edgar H Shein discusses the clearly obvious fact that culture change is rarely the primary change goal...the reason being that culture normally changes for a reason...a driving force to create a better situation, largely based on the current undesired situation.

One problem with culture change is that the organisation is itself a result of the many sub cultures in departments and the further micro cultures of the individuals. To change a corporate culture is in essence a very complex and lengthy process, despite the fact that the human brain has the acute ability to change at the flick of a switch. Habit's, laziness and fear become the treacle that change has to move through as we agonisingly attempt to change culture. I can loose weight tomorrow by eating less and exercising... its simple, uncomplicated and logical even. But way? 

Who is it that actually defines the culture? Is it designed, copied or does it evolve? Perhaps all of these. Organisations decide that they need to change and design a culture that fits their image. Often this is copied from observation of what works best in other organisations. But over time the culture is challenged, twisted and drained as senior executives come and go, sub-cultures dominate enterprise cultures and critically, people begin to object to a corporate culture that has been enforced onto them...challenging their personal sovereignty.

Forcing people to unlearn so that there is space for the new to enter is somewhat akin to asking a bullet to stop and go back the way it came. Anything that challenges our personal identity is a threat, because we think we know what is best for us...but it is worse when we are faced with the fact that other people think they know what is best for us. Enter "Resistance"!

However, not all change should be taken so personally. Every now and again some change theory needs a bit of a wack on the head, so I am challenging the WIIFM theory of "What's in it for me? Why does there have to be something in it for me every time there is a change? Why is it that I behave so negatively towards the company that is rewarding me with a wage in exchange for my skills? Perhaps we should stop complaining about change, create positive conversations and focus on the fact that sometimes...just sometimes....we have to embrace change because of other words "Whats In It For The Company!"

You see, as a change practitioner part of my role is to tenderly support people as they move from what is, to what will be. But I want to do this with trust and transparency. So I'll tell you exactly how it is...listen to your points of with you to incorporate your views where possible...and then support you as we move together through the transformation.  But I won't bring a box of tissues and spend my time walking on eggshells. Change Management .... nay Change LEADERSHIP, is about fronting up, handling the pain, turning it into joy and reinforcing the transformation with passion.

So culture change does have a driving force. That driving force is to shake us out of the present so that we don't stagnate. To provoke the status quo so that we don't grind to a halt and to ensure that we maximise the wonderful gifts that we have as human beings by not falling into negative habits that only serve to hinder our personal and professional progress.

How to become a Change Samurai

The noble warriors of feudal Japan continue to fascinate admirers the world over. But just because their era has passed doesn't mean you can't still become a samurai today…a Change Samurai! It takes commitment and may alienate the status quo…but, the path of change demands no less. If you want to be normal (the cycle on a washing machine) then please continue with your normal life. If you want to be a Change Samurai, then commit yourself to the Change Samurai code.
1. Find a cause, or challenge to swear fealty to. A Change Samurai is nothing without a passion to serve: some greater entity to which you may dedicate your life.
2. Learn the characteristics of Change and the use of various frameworks. Educate yourself in case studies and cultural adaptions. Understand the use of interventions and the strict tenets guiding when and where they may be applied.
3. Devote yourself to the seven virtues of bushido: gi (rectitude), yu (courage), jin (benevolence), rei (respect), shin (honesty), meiyo (honour), and chugi (loyalty). Strive to embody these virtues in all that you do to direct positive change.
4. Swear fealty to your passion for change. Convey your responsibilities with honour as a symbol of your rank. Your model for change is called a katana (it is the largest of the Samurai swords) and the interventions that you implement are wakizashi (the smallest sword).
5. Be true to your customer in all things. Strive to do right by them and serve the tenets of honour through your duty to them. This does not mean blindly following their instructions, however. If you disagree with your customer, strive to persuade them of your point of view with every means available, but be prepared to respect their final decision should your efforts fail.
6. Be a thought leader in the change profession.  Become respected as a compassionate teacher of change to the young change samurai. Coach those who are struggling to understand the concepts of change.
7. Treat others with courtesy and respect. Answer force in kind, but do not seek conflict where it can be avoided.
8. Contemplate your actions before reaching a decision. When you have determined a course, do not hesitate, but follow through with conviction and certainty.
9. Prepare yourself for your own change. It may come in battle or at the behest of your customer, but when it comes, you must meet it head-on. Meditate a little each day on the subject and accept the certainty of its eventual arrival.

Social Architecture - A New Manifesto For Creative Change

Check out this SlideShare Presentation by my great friend Luc Galoppin. Social Architecture, a new manifesto for creative change with focus on the legacy that we leave as professional change architects.

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