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Critical evaluation of a range of principles and frameworks for managing change | Health Knowledge

Critical evaluation of a range of principles and frameworks for managing change

Change is now considered to be the biggest challenge for virtually all organisations public and private, large and small - but especially for large, well established 'complex adaptive' organisations. Change is everywhere and the rate and pace of it is almost universally reckoned to be increasing.
Several 'gurus' (including Tom Peters and Charles Handy) and academics (notably Colin Carnall author of several books on Managing Change) have drawn attention to the 'challenges of change'.
At the time that this article was written, the NHS was the the third largest employer in the world after the Chinese Army and The Indian Railways and had over many years and despite many efforts found it difficult to change. Whilst the article considers change and efforts to manage it generally in organisations it looks specifically at key issues around change in the NHS.

Learning for a Change

Learning for a Change
It's been almost 10 years since Peter Senge, 51, published "The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization" (Doubleday/Currency, 1990). The book was more than a business best-seller; it was a breakthrough. It propelled Senge into the front ranks of management thinkers, it created a language of change that people in all kinds of companies could embrace, and it offered a vision of workplaces that were humane and of companies that were built around learning. 

Why traditional change management fails

Why traditional change management fails
Most organisations today would have had to initiate some change effort in order to remain relevant. All have been affected by the global meltdown and industry specific forces of change, and all have struggled to respond in a way that preserves or enhances overall organisational performance. 

Integrating change management and project management

Integrating change management and project management
The disciplines of change management and project management cross paths throughout the execution of an initiative. Each brings necessary and critical structure for effectively implementing change and realizing results – one with structure and intent for the technical side of change and one with structure and intent for the people side of change. As change management has emerged over the past decade, the interaction between change management and project management has become increasingly important.

To Change the Culture, Stop Trying to "Change the Culture"

To Change the Culture, Stop Trying to "Change the Culture"
When people aren't achieving what they should be achieving and things aren't going the way they should be — and if senior managers can't pin the blame on some specific issue — they often declare: "We have to change the culture around here."

5 ways SharePoint intranets improve change management

5 ways SharePoint intranets improve change management
Credibility for change management efforts begin when an organization stops treating change as a time period and treats change as a continuum. Whether industry, technology, regulation, competition, or figuring the alchemy of employee motivation, change is constant.

Communicating during revolutionary change » Change Factory

Communicating during revolutionary change » Change Factory
When revolutionary change is measured, many organisations believe that measuring whether or not the change has occurred is sufficient. My observation is that even when the change has occurred—as measured by an often-opaque set of performance indicators—the collateral damage caused by unintended consequences far outweighs the benefit gained from implementing the change in the first place. A significant cause of those unintended consequences during revolutionary change is limited and/or poor communication. This article seeks to give you a toolbox of communication channels for revolutionary change.

Change Management Insights from a Fortune 500 Apparel Company’s Restructuring | Leader's Beacon

Change Management Insights from a Fortune 500 Apparel Company’s Restructuring | Leader's Beacon
Recently, consulting firm Emergent partnered with a Fortune 500 apparel company to undertake the biggest business transformation in the company’s history. Below is a mini case study that provides insights from that project. Building upon its solid performance in 2012, the company chose to implement a new global structure designed to fuel its long-term, international growth.

Understanding the Science of Change

Change Management - Understanding the Science of Change
Change lights up an area of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, which is like RAM memory in a PC. The prefrontal cortex is fast and agile, able to hold multiple threads of logic at once to enable quick calculations. But like RAM, the prefrontal cortex’s capacity is finite—it can deal comfortably with only a handful of concepts before bumping up against limits. That bump generates a palpable sense of discomfort and produces fatigue and even anger. That’s because the prefrontal cortex is tightly linked to the primitive emotional center of the brain, the amygdala, which controls our fight-or-flight response.

It’s All About Change Management

It’s All About Change Management
When James Carville struggled to get then candidate Bill Clinton’s first campaign off the ground, he was trying to determine what was wrong with the country. He did lots of fancy analysis and brainstorming sessions and then he stumbled on his famous phrase,” It’s the economy, stupid!”  Whenever I look at RPOs that aren’t going well and have done the root cause analysis and brainstormed a dozen reasons why,  at the end it comes to me, its change management, stupid!   Whether you have decided to RPO a part of your organization, a small project or wall to wall, change management is essential to success. I advocate a fairly simple model that encompasses a business case, leadership alignment, communication/mobilization and training.

Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.

REACH to Rewire your Brain

REACH to Rewire your Brain
Choosing a growth mindset means you continue to learn new knowledge, skills, and behaviors. You can improve your brain’s ability to do your current job and prepare your brain for your next role.

Your Circle of Control, Your Behavior Drives Results -

Your Circle of Control, Your Behavior Drives Results -
You can break the cycle of hopelessness and the feeling of lack of control by focusing on your behaviors and activities within your circle of control.  When we say that your behavior drives results and is the only thing you own, we mean that you own your choices, responses, attitude, implementation of learning, and so on.  So, what do these behaviors look like?  

The 20-Minute Exercise To Eradicate Negative Thinking

The 20-Minute Exercise To Eradicate Negative Thinking
Belief is contagious. It wins supporters. It’s self-fulfilling. As Harvard professor Rosebeth Moss Kanter shows in her book Confidence, the belief you can win creates momentum which improves your chances of winning.

Surprised by resistance to a desirable change

Surprised by resistance to a desirable change
Prosci defines change management as the application of a structured process and set of tools for managing the people side of change to reach a desired outcome. But how often do we see change management and resistance management used synonymously? If your answer is “quite often” then you are not alone. While Prosci emphasizes that change management is composed of many tools, strategies and techniques for managing the people side of change, one of the primary plans developed through the Prosci® 3-Phase Change Management Methodology is a resistance management plan. Because the reality is that resistance will be faced during any effort in which people must change something about the way they do work.

The Change Samurai Pty Ltd

The Change Samurai Pty Ltd
Influence is one of the most important competencies of leaders in the twenty-first century. How well a leader can influence is crucial to that leader's effectiveness as well as his or her organization's success.

Are You Properly Addressing the Really Sticky Issues? | Conner Partners

Are You Properly Addressing the Really Sticky Issues? | Conner Partners
As professional change facilitators, we take on many roles when performing our duties: SME, educator, counselor, philosopher, etc. In my opinion, one that is among the most important in our profession, but not used nearly as much as it should be, is the role of provocateur. Unlike an “agitator” who intentionally stirs up trouble or a “pacifier” who seeks tranquility at all cost, the provocateur (as I’m using the term) focuses on helping clients recognize, acknowledge, and take action on the various “sticky issues” that inevitably arise when the status qwasuo is disrupted significantly.

Three avenues for resistance management

Three avenues for resistance management
Prosci defines change management as the application of a structured process and set of tools for managing the people side of change to reach a desired outcome. But how often do we see change management and resistance management used synonymously? If your answer is “quite often” then you are not alone. While Prosci emphasizes that change management is composed of many tools, strategies and techniques for managing the people side of change, one of the primary plans developed through Prosci’s 3-Phase Change Management Methodology is a resistance management plan. Because the reality is that resistance will be faced during any effort in which people must change something about the way they do work.

The Diffusion Game: Test your change management skills

The Diffusion Game: Test your change management skills
The Diffusion Simulation Game is a game developed by Indiana University in which players explore strategies that result in the adoption of innovation in a fictitious junior high. The goal is to get stakeholders (the school principal, teachers, and support staff) to adopt peer tutoring. As a player, you can decide whether to gather information, talk to people, visit places, or ask for help as various prompts are presented.

Ingredients of change - Blog - Kite Consultants

Ingredients of change - Blog - Kite Consultants
The probability that people change their behaviour depends on 3 factors 1) the level to which they understand that they must change 2) the level to which they want to change and 3) the level to which they can change, in other words:  MUST*WANT*CAN or Drive*Motivation*Ability. These 3 factors hold the ingredients to make individual, lasting, behavioural change in organizations happen.

A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you can't move forward till you change it!

5 Most Effective Ways to Sell Change - Forbes

5 Most Effective Ways to Sell Change - Forbes
Change can scare a lot of people, but in today’s workplace – managing change is what keeps people relevant.    Being held accountable for managing change and making things better in your work is the new normal. 

Personal Change Management

Personal Change Management

As a leader, you have to be able to manage yourself through change while you’re helping others.  As an executive, you need to be able to initiate and control the personal change it takes to accomplish your personal and career goals.

The very fact that so many failures have turned into success implies that failures are not wrong.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
We will continue to experience what we tolerate. Have courage, make change. 
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become!

Change management, benefit realization, results and outcomes

Change management, benefit realization, results and outcomes

Why do we do change management? To build excellent plans? To abide by best practices in business? To appease our leadership team that decided we needed it? No. We apply change management because change management has a distinct and pointed focus on benefit realization and achieving the desired results and outcomes of change. It is for this reason that, when embarking on our change management journeys, we begin with the end in mind. The end, in the case of change management, is driving successful change - the means is applying a structured approach to helping individual employees adopt and proficiently use changes that impact them. 

Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation By Gerry Johnson, George S. Yip and Manuel Hensmans

Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation By Gerry Johnson, George S. Yip and Manuel Hensmans

Few companies decide to adopt new strategies without being forced to by financial trauma. What can we learn from those rare companies that achieve both successful major change and superior long-term financial performance?

Influencing people to change » Change Factory

Influencing people to change » Change Factory

Change in an organisation never occurs without change in its people. In some restructuring events, the change in people may well be literal, with new people replacing others. In all organisational changes it means people changing one or more of their behaviours, processes or attitudes.

Change Management Ppt Presentation

Change Management Ppt Presentation

Integrating change management and project management - dimensions of integration

Integrating change management and project management - dimensions of integration
The process dimension of integration addresses how the activities of project management and the activities of change management are brought together during the lifecycle of the project or initiative. Integration at the process dimension enables these two complementary disciplines to be more effective in sequencing work, aligning the timing of activities and exchanging information that is crucial to project success.

Change Management Model Losing its Relevancy While Change Leadership is Taking Over

Change Management Model Losing its Relevancy While Change Leadership is Taking Over

The idea of managing change is a remnant of outmoded Western educational systems that Flick says, "are predominantly geared towards management, developing in people managerial mindsets." He goes on to indict this mindset as a way to "maintain the status quo and avoid hazards", thus exposing an obvious dichotomy. In Flick’s system change requires leadership to be successful and should be "emphasized and focused upon to a higher degree."

Get Your Head out of the Sand: Advice from Sir Richard

Get Your Head out of the Sand: Advice from Sir Richard

Yesterday, I had the privilege of listening to a fireside chat with Marc Benioff and Sir Richard Branson at\'s Dreamforce X.....Richard Branson hardly needs an introduction, but just in case, he is the founder of Virgin Group, who r...

54% of Employees not Engaged

According to Jackson and Schmidt in "Transforming Corporate Culture", Gallup and Blessing White have both done extensive research on employee engagement and its impact on business performance. Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest extra discretionary effort. Disengaged employees don't. Out of 17 million employees surveyed (2010), less than one-third (28-29%) say that they are actively engaged at work. More distressing is that 54% of employees report that they are not engaged: They float through each workday "doing time" with no passion. 

Cultures transform through...

Cultures transform through a deposit of very specific and consistent actions, over time these deposits are like compound interest: they exponentially foster an environment in which the business can thrive and grow.

If it ain’t broke….getting a sense of urgency for change - ChangeQuest

If it ain’t broke….getting a sense of urgency for change - ChangeQuest
You may be familiar with the idea ofEstablishing a Sense of Urgency when managing change – this is from John Kotter’s 8-step model for change. It’s the idea of getting people to feel the need for change; creating a “burning platform“, because it’s only when people are convinced that change needs to happen, and happen soon, that things will start to move. 

Integrating change management and project management - unified value proposition

Integrating change management and project management - unified value proposition
The disciplines of change management and project management understandably cross paths throughout the execution of a project or initiative. Each brings necessary and critical structure for effectively implementing change and realizing results. This tutorial series from Prosci and the Change Management Learning Center addresses integrating change management and project management. 

Part 2 – Why Neuroscience SHOULD Change the Way We Manage People

Part 2 – Why Neuroscience SHOULD Change the Way We Manage People
What we now know about human development and optimal whole body-brain functioning should not only change the way we manage people at work – but how we raise and teach our children, provide health care, conduct our legal system and structure government policies and institutions.

Major Change Management - Managing Ongoing Performance Gaps | The Brainzooming Group

Major Change Management - Managing Ongoing Performance Gaps | The Brainzooming Group
In the midst of following up a major change management initiative, it’s vital to realize your audience will have varying degrees of challenge with a major change and how it creates performance gaps. Whether the challenges are intentional or unintentional, performance following a major change has a variety ways of falling short of the complete and clean implementation you might expect.

» Roadmap for Designing High-Performing Organizations

» Roadmap for Designing High-Performing Organizations
Companies are frequently facing the need to restructure their organizations.  Changes in leadership, a shift in strategy, or changing factors within an organization often create the need for reorganizing. Organization design is one of the most powerful tools available to senior managers for shaping the direction of their organisations.

Could neuroscience help organizational change?

Could neuroscience help organizational change?
Neuroscience’s objective is to study the brain functioning with the help of the most up to date medical imaging technology. It is a scientific practice that supports other domains, such as cognitive sciences (psychology, AI, philosophy, linguistics, sociology, anthropology), and quite shyly but increasingly some more practical domains such as politics, economics or marketing.

Organisational Change: One Person, One Gesture

Organisational Change: One Person, One Gesture

Positive and successful organisational change can often start from one person, one gesture.

IBM Focuses HR on Change

IBM Focuses HR on Change
It's rare to find a corporate human resources function that accelerates change by actively finding ways to help drive new strategies. Most HR groups sit back and wait for requests from the business for administrative people transactions. In their role of stewards of policy compliance, they can tend to be a brake on change.

Change for Change’s Sake

Change for Changes Sake
No one disputes that firms have to make organizational changes when the business environment demands them. But the idea that a firm might want change for its own sake often provokes skepticism. Why inflict all that pain if you don’t have to?

10 change management challenges for ERP implementations | Deloitte SA Blog

10 change management challenges for ERP implementations | Deloitte SA Blog
Major project failure is an unfortunate fact for many  organisations, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects are no  exception.
Analyst firm Gartner estimates that 55% to 75% of all ERP projects fail to meet their objectives. Whether your project is a few months or a few years long, whether it’s an upgrade or a new implementation, the financial and cultural well-being of the entire organisation is at stake, and the associated costs of failure range from disruptive to catastrophic.

Enabling Change

Enabling Change

Managing change; the simple approach » Change Factory

Managing change; the simple approach » Change Factory
Change management is treated by many as an ethereal topic; a mystical process overlayed with a lot of "magic happens here". Or a process described by one of eight major models of change which by their very nature remains high level.

ECM Value Proposition

ECM Value Proposition
A growing number of organizations are starting to move from a project-by-project perspective and toward an approach for institutionalizing change management and building organizational capabilities and competencies. These efforts are aimed at broadly deploying change management across and throughout the organization - what Prosci calls Enterprise Change Management or ECM.

7 Essential Mindset Shifts of New Leadership

7 Essential Mindset Shifts of New Leadership

If You Want to Change Your Organization, Change Management | Enclaria: Change Starts Here

If You Want to Change Your Organization, Change Management | Enclaria: Change Starts Here
A phrase often touted as a key step in the change process is “getting buy-in from key stakeholders.” The concept is usually interpreted as gaining permission from managers to implement change in their areas. But most changes in organizations require more than just permission or agreement; they require a different way of managing to support the changes. In fact, nothing drags down change more than managers who disempower people to change because they themselves keep managing the same way as before.

Why Do You Need Organisational Change Management? -

Why Do You Need Organisational Change Management? -
Several things have to be in place for organisational change management to work. many projects fail when certain things do not line up. Some of the major reasons for failure include lack of communication, inexperience and complexity, technical issues, management problems, and lack of definitive objectives.

Change Your Attitude; Change Your Behavior; Change Your Brain | The Mental Health Gym

Change Your Attitude; Change Your Behavior; Change Your Brain | The Mental Health Gym
Why do some of your coworkers enjoy their jobs more than others? Why are some busy people able to take on another task with enthusiasm? Why do some people look at challenges and see opportunities where others get overwhelmed? There is good evidence to suggest that their attitudes, their behaviors, and their brains are different.

Cure Your Company's Allergy to Change

Cure Your Company's Allergy to Change
Many organizations suffer from a tragic pattern: The chief executive officer launches a new change program with great fanfare and intentions, only to shelve it a few years later with little to show for great expenditures of time and consulting fees. How can you break this cycle?

Positive Deviance Initiative

Positive Deviance Initiative
The Positive Deviance approach is an asset-based, problem-solving, and community-driven approach that enables the community to discover these successful behaviors and strategies and develop a plan of action to promote their adoption by all concerned.

20 Seconds of Courage: Change is Going to Come - Delivering Happiness

20 Seconds of Courage: Change is Going to Come - Delivering Happiness

Change is almost always scary, regardless of the perceived outcome of the change. Considering that  most adults spend the vast majority of their waking lives at work, a change in that space can be fraught with anxiety and fear. Even the most well-thought-out decision means stepping out into the unknown, away from familiar surroundings and (hopefully) friendly faces.

Keeping pace with future change

Keeping pace with future change
Leaders are confronted with an increasing rate of change and complexity and need to find ways to deal with it. Leading companies through change has become different from how it was ten to twenty years ago.

The Hard Side of Change Management

The Hard Side of Change Management
Managing change is tough, but part of the problem is that there is little agreement on what factors most influence transformation initiatives. Ask five executives to name the one factor critical for the success of these programs, and you’ll probably get five different answers. That’s because each manager looks at an initiative from his or her viewpoint and, based on personal experience, focuses on different success factors.

Launching The White Samurai ... a Resource Centre for understanding workplace Depression and Bipolar

A resource for those people living with, wanting to know more about and/or caring for people with mood disorders such as Depression and Bipolar. The White Samurai is the Warrior of Change, beginning with Hope for a better tomorrow and a rediscovered life through enabling understanding to defeat the Black Dog! See the latest article and more ......with difficult coworkers, a tough boss or an unbearable workload? You're not alone.....some tips to stop stress in its tracks.

Change: evolution or revolution?

Which method of change is right? Whilst most people have an intuitive preference for evolutionary change, it is not always appropriate.
Change: evolution or revolution? » Change Factory

CHANGE MANAGEMENT by Lorens: Tips for Managing Stress and Change at Work: Stres...

CHANGE MANAGEMENT by Lorens: Tips for Managing Stress and Change at Work: Stres...: Are you experiencing stress at work? Want to learn more about what causes stress and the impact of stress on people at work? These five m...

About NEXUS | NEXUS 4 change

NEXUS for change is the platform upon which to legitimize upon which home of an emerging field - find out more…

About NEXUS | NEXUS 4 change

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